Friday, September 17, 2010

My weekend

I may not be posting much the next few weeks, Rachel was put on bed rest yesterday until monday when Gage will be born, so I am doing the errands she had planned this weekend and one of my dear friends son passed away from his battle with cancer and visitation was tonight and the funeral is tomorrow. He was only 28 years old and I remember being at the hospital when he was born, so I have been very emotional today with all this going on. I will try and post after Gage's birth and let you see how cute I know he's going to be, just say a prayer for mom and baby for a easy healthy birth....Barb


Cezar and Léia said...

Oh sweet Barb,
This is such a special moment for you all.We are here praying and sending love and good energies!
Congratulations! :)
God bless you
Léia :)

Unknown said...

I wish Rachel and Gage all the best!